Appendix E—Glossary

Assessment—Process used for improving quality

4.1.1 Overview of Assessment

  • Peer—feedback is given by a colleague or peer

  • Real-time—feedback occurs at the same time as the process under study

  • Self—feedback occurs from studying one’s own process

  • Attribute (see Factor)—Qualitative or quantitative characteristic of a criterion

    4.1.4 Assessment Methodology

    Challenge Grant—Seed funding used to encourage the inception and initial development of innovative projects that promote prescribed change

    1.3.6 Implementing an Internal Challenge Grant System

    Community of practice—Group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better


    CompetencyAbility to perform at a specific level

    2.4.5 Learning Outcomes

    ConceptGeneral idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences

    2.3.9 Forms of Knowledge and Knowledge Tables

    ContextCircumstances in which an event occurs; setting

    2.3.9 Forms of Knowledge and Knowledge Tables

    CriterionSpecific area of quality

    4.1.1 Overview of Assessment

    Critical thinking—Ability to use and manage intelligence and skills appropriately for tasks or goals across all four domains of knowledge

    2.2.5 Overview of Critical Thinking

    Design—a systematic, interactive, and iterative development of a process, system, or product to meet a set of specifications

    1.4.4 Measuring Quality in Design

    DomainSphere of functioning/performance

    2.3.3 Classification of Learning Skills

    2.3.6 Affective Domain

    2.3.4 Cognitive Domain

    2.3.5 Social Domain

    Empowermentincreased capability resulting from expanded ability, willingness, and support to act

    2.3.2 Framework for Implementing Process Education

    Enriched learning environment—Alignment of culture, resources, and facilitation to produce high quality learning and personal growth

    3.1.1 Overview of Quality Learning Environments

    EvaluationProcess for determining quality

    1.4.6 Overview of Evaluation

    Evidence—Collected information that supports a conclusion

    4.1.1 Overview of Assessment

    1.4.6 Overview of Evaluation

    1.4.1 Overview of Measurement

    Facilitation—Actions taken to help others learn

    3.2.1 Overview of Facilitation

    Factor (see Attribute)—Qualitative or quantitative characteristic of a criterion

    4.1.4 Assessment Methodology

    Formative—Occurring as something is being developed

    4.1.2 Distinctions Between Assessment and Evaluation

    Growth/development—Internalization of skills that allows the learner to reach higher levels of performance in one or all domains

    1.4.5 Performance Levels for Learners and Self-Growers

    2.3.2 Framework for Implementing Process Education

    Insight—New and significant discovery gained through observation of a performance

    4.1.9 SII Method for Assessment Reporting

    Intervention—Facilitator’s interruption during the learning process so student can get back on track

    3.2.1 Overview of Facilitation

    3.2.7 Constructive Intervention

    Knowledge—Awareness or possession of information about facts, ideas, skills, truths, and principles

    2.3.9 Forms of Knowledge and Knowledge Tables

    LearningIncreasing mastery of factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge

    1.4.5 Performance Levels for Learners and Self-Growers

    Learning StylesPreference to certain kinds of learning environments

    2.3.3 Classification of Learning Skills

    Learning processSteps used to learn

    2.3.8 Learning Process Methodology

    Learning outcomesExpectations of what students can do at the end of a learning experience

    2.4.5 Learning Outcomes

    1.4.1 Overview of Measurement

    MeasureA basis for comparison; A device used for measuring

    1.5.5 Identifying Performance Measures for a Program

    MeasurementThe process of determining the level of performance

    1.4.1 Overview of Measurement

    MentoringGuiding a person who desires to improve in areas of mentor’s expertise

    4.2.1 Overview of Mentoring

    MetacognitionSelf-awareness and self-control

    2.3.3 Classification of Learning Skills

    MethodologyMultiple-step models for complex processes

    2.3.7 Learning Processes through the Use of Methodologies

    2.4.16 Methodology for Creating Methodologies

    ModelRepresentation of reality useful for explaining concepts and providing a rational basis for decisions

    2.3.8 Learning Process Methodology

    MotivationA complex amalgam of all the influences active at a point in time that result in an organism’s "movement" toward a goal

    2.2.7 Understanding Motivation and Self-Regulation Theories

    ObjectiveGeneral purposes for a process or experience

    2.4.1 Overview of Instructional Design

    OutcomeEnd result

    2.4.5 Learning Outcomes

    PerformanceMeans by which one accomplishes an action or task

    1.2.1 Theory of Performance

    2.3.1 Introduction to Process Education

    PracticeCommon methods used by a specific discipline/community

    2.3.2 Framework for Implementing Process Education

    Problem-SolvingA process whereby a "best" outcome is determined for some situation, subject to certain constraints

    2.5.3 Distinguishing Between Problem Solving, Design, and Research

    2.2.6 Overview of Problem-Solving

    ProcessA series of actions that add value to a final result

    2.3.9 Forms of Knowledge and Knowledge Tables

    Process EducationAn an educational philosophy, driven by studies of performance, that emphasizes continuous development of learning skills, the use of assessment principles, and mentoring to produce self-growth (Empowerment is the ability to process life’s challenges versus life’s challenges processing you.)

    2.3.1 Introduction to Process Education

    2.3.2 Framework for Implementing Process Education

    QualitativeRelating to the general qualities that can describe the level of performance or a product

    2.5.2 Research Methodology

    QuantitativeRelating to the numerical values that can describe the level of performance or a product

    2.5.2 Research Methodology

    ReflectionA thought or opinion resulting from careful consideration

    4.1.9 SII Method for Assessment Reporting

    3.4.4 Team Reflection

    ReliabilityAbility to get similar results when repeating a process

    1.4.1 Overview of Measurement

    ResearchSystematic, unbiased investigation used to increase knowledge and understanding (see also Qualitative and Quantitative)

    2.5.2 Research Methodology

    2.5.3 Distinguishing Between Problem Solving, Design, and Research

    RubricVerbal description of performance levels

    1.4.2 Fundamentals of Rubrics

    SIITool for assessment feedback that focuses on strengths, areas to improve, and insights

    4.1.9 SII Method for Assessment Reporting

    SummativeOccurring at the end of a development period

    4.1.2 Distinctions Between Assessment and Evaluation

    Strategic Planning—Structured, informed, and participative process that results in decisions and actions which position an entire organization to work together at the institutional, unit (or departmental), and program levels toward a desired end state

    1.3.2 Academic Strategic Planning—The Basics

    TeamPeople who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

    3.4.2 Designing Teams and Assigning Roles

    TheoryA comprehensive, internally consistent system of ideas about a set of phenomena as a complement to ‘practice’

    2.3.2 Framework for Implementing Process Education

    1.2.1 Theory of Performance

    ValidityAbility to know that the measurement process actually measures what it claims to measure

    1.4.1 Overview of Measurement